No Trades

Would you like to see no-trade situations expanded?

No, keep things as they are and don't limit trades.
Yes - No-Trade for 1 year on all new contracts signed.
Yes - No-Trade for 1 year on all or more LTC extensions.
Yes - No Trading tagged players.
No votes
Yes - No-Trade on all of the above.
Total votes: 50

Ben C.
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Re: No Trades

Post by Ben C. »

The idea of a minimum win requirement for GMs in the AFFL has been discussed in the past and seems to generally have pretty good support among the league, though I think Goodell has been reluctant to adopt it.

For what it's worth, and everyone please know I'm not trying to single anyone out, but I want to make sure that if this is discussed we have some of the details to how it would have worked out if adopted earlier. Only one GM in the AFFL does not currently meet the 12-wins in 3 years standard: Shawn B. His team has won 11 games in the last 3 years, and though he has never had a winning season in his 9 years in the league, this is the first time he hasn't met that standard.

After last season ended, two GMS didn't meet the standard: lucky7jc and TylerW. lucky7jc had won 10 wins over a 3 year period, and then his team proceeded to win 8 this year (by far his best season out of 9). TylerW had won 7 games in the 3 year period, and his team went on to win 5 this year.

Skimming through even earlier years, it seems that this standard would lead to 1 or 2 openings in the AFFL a year based on previous results. That said, I suspect that if a minimum win requirement were adopted, we would eventually see every team meeting the requirement every year.
AFFL Arizona - General Manager
Regular Season Record - 174-66-1
Playoff Record - 13-12
AFFL Bowl Record - 0-2

2x NFC Champions - 2010, 2016
11x NFC West Champions - 2007-12, 2014-15, 2017-18, 2021
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Re: No Trades

Post by Goodell »

Ben C. wrote:The idea of a minimum win requirement for GMs in the AFFL has been discussed in the past and seems to generally have pretty good support among the league, though I think Goodell has been reluctant to adopt it.
Very true. Here's why. If I get to the point where I get these leagues going and expand things again, it wouldn't be free for the new leagues and new players. And if someone is paying to play, and supporting us, and being active (whether they are the best at it or not), I wouldn't say we're kicking you out.

There are lots of suggestions about tracking things from year to year. Whether it's carrying over LTCs if you didn't use in past years, or more wins than previous year gets you something, or x number of losses over x number of seasons kicks you out, etc. and I completely understand a lot of the thinking behind them, but a lot of those are in the direction that currently leads to more manual work tracking. On the contrary direction, everything I do now as I try to make things more efficient (to even ensure I can keep the leagues going) is moving away from manual work every chance I can and moving toward ideally mostly automated systems. Those systems are primarily setup where I reset things completely each year for a new league year fresh starts at zero, and although there are backups of past season data the system isn't really as setup for keeping track of things across multiple seasons without making further changes to how things are setup overall.

I think I've said in the past I could envision a time when if there were dozens and dozens of leagues, that there could be some specialty leagues where they might have different rules for inclusion. The AFFL is kind of a little like that now where we try to ensure that any new members are proven in other leagues first. I'm not quite as highly motivated and focussed on the kicking people out part of things, but we do have processes where I kick GMs out already every single year (mostly because they stop coming here) and replace them with new GMs every year.

It's possible for either specific specialty leagues or even all leagues I could tighten the rules on making it easier to kick more people out more often for more reasons, but honestly as things are now that creates more problems for me as I have a really difficult time now finding new GMs for the less spots we have open. If we had 100 people lined up waiting for a spot, I'd be more open to finding more reasons to kick people out. It's just not that way now.

Ideally someday I am working full-time on only my own projects and can further expand everything and we really get things going here to where there there are all sorts of leagues, with some beginner leagues and ways to move into other more experienced leagues and greater rules on staying in those leagues, or custom leagues with different rules, etc. It's just not where things are now.
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Re: No Trades

Post by tino38 »

The last thing I want, and I am pretty sure anyone wants is for this to become to much work and it gets shutdown. Let's avoid that. I vote that we continue the current course and keep things as automated as possible to make sure this site is around for quite some time.
BRFL Saints (31-20) (3-0)
- NFCS Champ: 23’
- NFC Champ: 23’
- SB Champ 23’
AFFL Patriots (97-82) (8-4)
-AFCE Champ: 16', 22’, 23’
-AFC Champ: 22’
-SB Champ: 22’
DFFL Jets - SB Champ 21’ & 22’
FFFL Jets - SB Champ 17’ & 18’
Ben C.
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Re: No Trades

Post by Ben C. »

tino38 wrote:The last thing I want, and I am pretty sure anyone wants is for this to become to much work and it gets shutdown. Let's avoid that. I vote that we continue the current course and keep things as automated as possible to make sure this site is around for quite some time.
I agree with this. Let's get things as easy as possible for Troy.

As it stands, I think just the idea of continuing to float the minimum win requirement for the AFFL has helped to keep GMs on their toes.
AFFL Arizona - General Manager
Regular Season Record - 174-66-1
Playoff Record - 13-12
AFFL Bowl Record - 0-2

2x NFC Champions - 2010, 2016
11x NFC West Champions - 2007-12, 2014-15, 2017-18, 2021
AFFL History
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